Silver Support

We understand how important for customers to find information about your business that is accruate and up to date. We keep your business and contact information up-to-date to maximize the value of your presence.

Professional Setup Solo Punto

We start your on-line presence right, with our professional setup service, which comes standard with every account. Our staff will interview you, understand your goals and your customers and use our value focused setup checklist to get you up and running as soon as possible.

Our setup service includes:

  • Email Interview of business owner or manager.
  • Enter business information (description, about us, hours or operations, location, contact info, etc..)
  • Select a theme, color, Cover photo that best reflects the image of the business.
  • Prepare and configure the site menu to match the business style and information contained
  • Assist and connect platform to your existing social media channels
  • Setup and configure the presence to maximize chances of being included in organic search results.

Presence Review Solo Punto

You can update your presence anytime you want 24/7, and our service includes an annual review of your presence when you renew. Our review process takes into account new functionality that has been added to the platform and that would add value to your business.

The updates will include updates to the theme to match the season or changes in branding. Making sure that the site is not stagnating by choosing alternative social media connections if needed.

Email Support Solo Punto

You can open a support ticket 24/7 and our support team will reach out next business day. Support will help you locate the resources and answer general questions about platform, integration etc...

All plans include a 30 days RISK FREE* period.   Select Plan